Privacy Policy

Please note: we have updated our Privacy Policy, including new information relating to California Consumer privacy practices and rights, effective January 1, 2020.

Welcome to HighRewards!

We greatly respect your privacy, and this Privacy Policy is designed and created in that spirit! This Privacy Policy applies to all Users and visitors of the HighRewards Program and describes our information policies and procedures.

HighRewards, Inc.  (together with our parent corporations, subsidiaries, and affiliates, “HighRewards,” “we,” or “us”) is on a mission to become your premier shopping companion anytime and anywhere.

This Privacy Policy governs the collection, use, and disclosure of the information we collect and receive from your use, access, and all interactions with the HighRewards mobile application (“Application”), any of HighRewards’s services (the “Services”), the website, and any other website associated with HighRewards or pages where this Privacy Policy is displayed and accessible (collectively, “Website”) (together, the Website, Application and Services are the “HighRewards Program”). Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms of Service.

Information Collection and Use Information Collection

We collect:

    • Personal Information

    • Non-Personally Identifiable Information

    • Device Information – Usage Technologies

    • Credit Card Transaction Data

    • Purchase Information

    • Other Information from Third Parties

To provide the HighRewards Program, we need information from you. The following are the categories of information we collect:

Personal Information

When you use the HighRewards Program, we may ask that you provide us with personally identifiable information—information about you that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Information”). Personal Information we may collect includes your name, phone number(s), email address, home address, and if you elect to participate in certain parts of our Services, payment card numbers, and/or third-party account information (e.g., store loyalty program information, PayPal, Venmo, banking information, etc.). We may also collect information about your preferences and interests.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

When you use the HighRewards Program on your mobile phone, computer, or other device(s), our servers may record non-personally identifiable information—information that cannot identify you by itself (“Non-Personally Identifiable Information”) such as: (i) information your device sends or transmits, including your device type, your device ID number (for example, your UDID), user settings, and your geographic location (if you consent) (“Device Information”); (ii) information about your use of the HighRewards Program, such as offers viewed and/or used, stores visited, information you entered; (iii) search terms you used, or which referring/exit pages brought you to our page, and date/time information, (iv) demographic information you provide, such as your gender or date of birth, (v) information about or from another content delivery platform; and (vi) information derived from such above information and other sources such as entries and offers viewed on either our website or a third-party website, our social media presence, or other information provided by third parties.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

In addition, to make the HighRewards Program useful in particular locations, we use location technology, such as GPS, our HighRewards beacon devices (“shopBeacon” or “beacon”), and other geolocation or presence technologies. These technologies are found in various locations and broadcast signals that your device may receive, assuming you adjust your device settings to receive such signals such as, by enabling location services. When your device transmits location information, the Application or Website alerts you about available offers, rewards, an item previously liked at a store, or other information we deem useful. To make the Application and HighRewards Program operate efficiently, HighRewards may also collect other information based on signals from a shopBeacon, for example, the strength of the signal between the shopBeacon and the device and/or the duration the device is near the beacon, including when the Application is in the background or not actively running on your device.

Credit Card Transaction Data

If you choose to participate in the Points for Purchases program, we will receive information about transactions you make at select merchants, including the merchant’s name, location, the date and time of the purchase, the transaction amount, the purchased items, and other potentially personal information about you (“Transaction Data”). If you explicitly consent (or ‘opt-in’) to participate in the Points for Purchases program, the Transaction Data is received from banks or from credit or debit card networks or issuers (“Transaction Providers”).

Purchase Information

Our Points for Receipts program lets you earn points using the Application’s submission function and your phone’s or other device’s camera to submit receipts from purchases of select products and/or selected retailers (“Points for Receipts” program). From time to time, HighRewards will announce via the HighRewards Program the actions you need to take, the identity of the participating products and/or retailers, and the store location(s) from where you must submit your receipt. Each action you wish to take to earn points has directions you must follow and limits on when purchases or submissions must be made.

Other Information From Third Parties

We may also receive information about you from service providers, our partners, merchants, or other third parties, such as your preferences and interests, device information when you download a mCommerce store application originating from the HighRewards Program, make an online purchase originating from the HighRewards Program, or your account information for specific third-party providers if they are integrated with the HighRewards Program (e.g. store loyalty program information, PayPal, Venmo, etc.), for example when redeem your points, or otherwise when such third parties do business with us. Information we receive from such third parties is subject to the limitations of those third parties’ privacy policies. We also receive information about you that is publicly available, such as when you submit information to a blog, chat room, or social network(s). We encourage you to read the privacy policies for those third parties.

Information Usage

Subject to the restrictions described in this Privacy Policy and applicable law, we use information about you only for purposes related to HighRewards’s business, including to:

  • Communicate with you and provide information to you about HighRewards’s products and services.
  • Update the HighRewards Program and improve content and user experience.
  • Help you and others discover the HighRewards Program.
  • Prepare and perform demographic studies.
  • If permitted by the applicable Transaction Provider, perform benchmarking, advertising, marketing, performance, and promotional studies.

To provide the HighRewards Program, we need information from you. The following are the categories of information we collect:

Personal Information

We may use personal information to:

  • Administer, improve, and optimize the HighRewards Program.

    For example, if your friend invites you to the HighRewards Program through our invitation program, we may sometimes contact you through such specified methods. You and the invited friend must consent to receive such auto-dialed or prerecorded message calls and/or general communication.

    Similarly, we may occasionally run sweepstakes, contests, surveys, or other special promotions in which we ask you for Personal Information and Non-Personally Identifiable Information (e.g., a zip code, age, or income level) to administer contests and other promotions about the HighRewards Program or a third-party. We may also use the information available and/or provided to contact such contests and promotions participants.

  • Personalize your experience with the HighRewards Program.

  • Provide you with software updates and/or product announcements.

  • Better understand your needs and interests, and provide further information and offers you may find useful or interesting, such as targeted advertising and promotional campaigns.

    To contact you, we may sometimes send emails, texts, SMS, push notifications, or auto-dialed or prerecorded message calls or text messages at the telephone number(s) or email addresses you provide to us. Standard telephone minute and text charges may apply. At any time, you may opt out of receiving future communications by following the unsubscribe instructions in each promotional communication or simply by declining to participate in the HighRewards Program.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

We may use Non-Personally Identifiable Information, including geolocation and location presence information, for various purposes, including analyzing trends through aggregated demographic information and other user information and administering, improving, and optimizing the HighRewards Program. Specifically, it offers rewards based on your location or presence in a store, provides reminders of items previously liked, and shows the highest-rated deals, sales, or interesting items in a certain area. To present these offers, we use the signal of our shopBeacon devices (or another geolocation or presence technology) located in various places, such as above the entrance to a store. Those devices broadcast signals that can be received by a device on which the Application is installed or the HighRewards Program is accessed. When the device receives the shopBeacon signal, you may receive a message about the HighRewards Program, such as available rewards or a reminder about an item previously liked. To avoid geolocation data from being used or received by the HighRewards Program, either while the Website or Application is in the background or not currently running on your device, you can switch off notifications near or at stores in the Settings of the Application at any time, or adjust your device settings.

Cookies, Pixels, and Other Usage Technology

We set and access, and third parties (including Trusted Third Parties) may set and access, cookies, web beacons, embedded scripts, pixels, tags, software development kits (“SDKs”), session replay tools, and other tracking technologies (collectively, “Tracking Technologies”) on your Devices in connection with your use of Highrewards Sites and Features or our Services. Such third parties (“Cookie Operators”) may collect information across various channels using Tracking Technologies for purposes of delivering more relevant Offers to you or other Business Purposes. We may use a variety of Tracking Technologies in connection with our Data Purposes. Tracking Technologies may automatically capture PII and other information, including, without limitation, your IP Address, UDID, and browser or operating system type and version, and may detect whether your Device or software has certain capabilities such as a microphone or webcam access. We and Third Party Services generally use Tracking Technologies and the information they generate to support the Highrewards Sites and Features and our Services or Third Party Services, including, for instance: (i) by offering you surveys, shopping, and other targeted Offers; (ii) for identity verification; (iii) for analytics; (iv) to ensure compliance with our programs; and (v) to identify and honor your choices (such as opt-outs). Tracking Technologies may also be used as follows: (a) to provide you with convenience when you access the Highrewards Sites and Features or our Services by remembering that you have visited us before and by remembering your username, password and other user information, and your preferences to help you avoid future re-entry of certain information; (b) to allow us and Third Party Services to understand or predict your interests so we and they can personalize your experience on Highrewards Sites and Features or our Services and elsewhere online, across Devices, web browsers, email, mobile and other applications.   In doing so, we and Third Party Services may link the information collected from Tracking Technologies, and from other sources, with other of your PII and non-PII, and we and they may track your web-browsing and other activity in order to provide you with Offers and for our or their other Data Purposes); (c) for analytical and statistical purposes, quality control, validation and verification purposes, and to improve the services we and Third Party Services offer; and (d) Third Party Services may link the information we share with them (or that they collect) to cookies stored on your browser or Devices, and they may collect information such as your IP address, UDID, browser or operating system type and version, and demographic or inferred-interest information. Third Party Services may use this information to recognize you across different channels and platforms, including but not limited to, computers, mobile devices, and Smart TVs, over time for advertising, analytics, attribution, and reporting purposes. For example, Third Party Services may deliver an advertisement to you in your web browser based on a purchase you made in a physical retail store, or they may send a personalized marketing email to you because you visited a particular website. Our mobile applications may include Tracking Technologies that share your Device’s precise geo-location and other details about your Device (like hardware characteristics, a variety of sensor data, and a list and history of installed third-party applications) with Third Party Services who may use this information to generate Offers for you, for advertising, attribution, measurement of campaigns, analytics, and research, and their or our other Data Purposes. See instructions to limit or disable such tracking in section 10(ii) below; but be aware that limiting such tracking will affect some Device or mobile application functionality and may limit your ability to use our Services, complete Offers and earn rewards.

Credit Card Transaction Data

By registering your payment card, you authorize your payment card network (e.g., MasterCard/Visa/Amex) to monitor activity on your payment card and to provide information to HighRewards regarding your purchase and return transactions (e.g., unique user identification associated with your payment card, transaction amount, date and time and merchant name and location) to enable your card-linked offer(s). For program offers that provide rewards based on a specific item purchase at a participating merchant, HighRewards may provide such information to enable that merchant the ability to determine eligibility. We use the Transaction Data from Transaction Providers for the following purposes: (i) to administer the Points for Purchases program; (ii) to determine your eligibility in the Points for Purchases program; (iii) to match data from your payment card you linked to the Application with transactions under the points for Purchases program; (iv) to provide you with points or other rewards; (v) to analyze the usage and effectiveness of the points for Purchases program; and (vi) to improve and optimize the Services. If you unlink your card account number(s) from your points for the Purchases profile, HighRewards will no longer request your Transaction Data, and your Transaction Provider will no longer share such information.

Please note that if you uninstall the application without first unlinking your payment card, HighRewards will continue receiving transaction data for up to one hundred (100) days after you uninstall. This data will only be used as described above in the “use of transaction information” section outlined in the Points for Purchases Terms and Conditions for MasterCard cards or in the Points for Purchases Terms and Conditions for Visa cards and as described in this Privacy Policy.

Purchase Information

We use Purchase Information to (i) administer, improve, and optimize the HighRewards Program; (ii) determine your eligibility for points; (iii) match your Personal Information with transactions; (iv) provide you with points or other rewards; (v) analyze the usage and effectiveness of the HighRewards Program; and (vi) to the extent permitted by stores or applicable third parties, analyze trends and deliver tailored advertising.

Other Information From Third Parties

We may use information from third parties to administer, update, personalize the HighRewards Program, award rewards from your purchases with our partners and select merchants, invite you to the HighRewards Program (at the request of your friend(s)), communicate with you, and present relevant offers.

Information Disclosure

Except in limited circumstances in this Privacy Policy, we do not disclose any Personal Information to third parties. Before HighRewards transfers Personal and Non-Personally Identifiable Information – to a third party, we confirm they adopted, are subject to, or are contractually obligated to comply with the principles and objectives of this Privacy Policy. We may disclose your information to provide the HighRewards Program and comply with applicable laws or legal requests. The following are explanations of some of the ways we disclose your information:

At Your Request

We may disclose your information at your request, whether through the Application or otherwise through the HighRewards Program, such as:

If your friend invites you to the HighRewards Program through our invitation program. Your information will be viewable by the friend who invited you to the HighRewards Program, and you may be able to view your friend’s information through the HighRewards Program.

If you request or offer services through our partnerships or promotional offerings from a third party (e.g., completing surveys and quizzes, signing up for new services, etc.).

When you submit information and communicate with us through a public forum (e.g., social media, features within the HighRewards Program, blogs, etc.).

Transaction Providers, Merchants, and Store Partners

If you choose to participate in the Points for Purchases program, we will share the transaction data and payment card information you entered with the appropriate transaction provider. We may also share Transaction Data with select merchants to facilitate the awarding of points (only to those merchants that agree to use the Transaction Data to facilitate the awarding of points). In addition, when you make purchases through the HighRewards Program and use similar features (e.g., mCommerce), you agree that purchase information may be shared with participating stores, merchants, and other relevant third parties. Similarly, when you participate in the points for receipts program, you agree that HighRewards may use Purchase Information and other information derived from your participation to award points, deduct points, validate offer eligibility, enable offer redemption, and/or provide reporting to merchants and other third parties.

Third-Party Service Providers

We may disclose information to third-party service providers we use to perform various tasks, including data storage, consolidation, retrieval, analysis, effective management of customer information, and help communicating with you. These third parties are only given access to information needed to perform their support functions and are prohibited from using it for other purposes. These third-party service providers include affiliated and unaffiliated service providers in the United States, Europe, and other jurisdictions.

Third-Party Business Partners

We may disclose information with our third-party business partners, such as marketing, advertising, and analytics companies, for various reasons, including advertising and displaying relevant content, products, and services that you may find useful. Please visit our Marketing and Advertising page to opt out of this sharing. We may also disclose information to our third-party partners to audit the delivery and performance of advertisements. These third-party partners also collect information about you from their cookies, pixel tags, and other Usage Technology placed within the HighRewards Program or across different websites and applications. To learn more about this type of disclosure and advertising, please visit Advertising and Your Choices page.

How We Use Google, AOL, Yahoo, and Outlook OAuth 2.0

We use the OAuth 2.0 from Google’s API (application programming interfaces) Services, provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). We use Google API Services to allow communication with Gmail and integrate it with our mobile application. Gmail uses OAuth 2.0 to authenticate the user’s account and authorize access to user data. AOL, Yahoo, and Outlook also use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate the user’s account and authorize access to user data. At your consent at login, the HighRewards app receives access to data in your login account, whether a Google Account, a Yahoo Account, an AOL Account, or an Outlook Account. We do not combine the information collected using Google API Services or other companies’ web APIs with personally identifiable information. For more information regarding how Google collects, uses, and shares your information, please visit By using our program, you consent to have data about you processed by Google, AOL, Yahoo, and Outlook as described here and in each company’s privacy policy. You can control the information provided to Google and opt out of certain ads by using the methods outlined in

Group Companies and Business Transfers

We may share information with our affiliates, parent, or group companies so they may assist us with providing the HighRewards Program. Additionally, as our business grows and changes, we might restructure, buy, or sell subsidiaries or business units. In these transactions, customer information is often one of the transferred assets, remaining subject to promises made in the then-prevailing privacy policy. Also, in the event HighRewards, or substantially all of its assets or stock, are acquired, transferred, or disposed of (in whole or part and including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings), customer information will, as a matter of course, be one of the transferred assets.

Legal Processes

We may disclose your information to third parties as may be required by law, regulatory authorities, or legal process, for example, to:

  • Protect the rights, property, safety, confidentiality, or reputation of HighRewards or Users.
  • Enforce our terms and conditions.
  • Prevent fraud or cybercrime.
  • Permit us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages we may sustain.

Advertising and Your Choices Cookies

Companies that host networks connecting advertisers with delivery platforms for digital advertising (collectively, “Ad Networks”), which are Third Party Services, may provide advertising based on your interests, as reflected in your use of Highrewards Sites and Features and our Services, as well as your use of other websites and services. Some of these Ad Networks may place persistent cookies or other Tracking Technologies (defined below) on your Devices, allowing them to recognize you and/or your Device each time they send you an online advertisement. Ads themselves may also include Tracking Technologies. In this way, Ad Networks may compile information about where you see advertisements online and determine which ads you click on, so, for instance, that we and they may provide you with Offers or advertisements believed to be of most interest to you. We are not the data controller for the cookies or other Tracking Technologies that may be placed by these third parties on your Devices, nor do we have responsibility for these third parties’ privacy policies or information collection practices. You may limit or remove such cookies and Tracking Technologies through your Device settings; for more information, visit section 10(ii) (What Are My Cookie Choices?) below.

Do Not Track

Do not track is a signal-based technology and privacy setting that allows users to alert websites, including third-party advertisers, that they do not want to be tracked. We do not respond to Do Not Track browser settings and signals. Please visit our Advertising and Your Choices page to learn about Do Not Track.

Personalized Advertisements

Cookies and other Usage Technology allow us and third-party advertisers to personalize your experience with the HighRewards Program and on third-party webpages. To learn more about personalized (online-based) advertisements, please visit our Advertising and Your Choices page.

Links to Third-Party Sites

The HighRewards Program may contain links or APIs (e.g., data or content exchange interfaces) to external services or websites of other companies or merchants, such as online purchases. If you click on a button, banner ad, or other type of third-party link, you will be directed to that third party’s resources. The fact that we may link to or incorporate online stores’ or a merchant’s services, functionality, or website or present a banner ad or other type of advertisement is not an endorsement, authorization, or representation of our affiliation with that third party, nor is it an endorsement of their privacy or information security policies or practices. We do not exercise control over third-party services, functionality, websites, or other resources, including their use of personal information, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personal information to a third party. We encourage you to read the privacy policies or statements of the other websites you visit to learn more about their privacy practices. These other parties may place their own cookies or other files on your computer or device, collect data, or solicit personal information from you.

Children’s Information

The HighRewards Program is not directed to children. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian who has become aware that your child has provided us with Personal Information without your consent, please contact us. If we become aware that a member is under the age of 18 and has provided us with Personal Information without verifiable parental consent, we will delete such information from our files.

California Privacy Rights

If you are a California resident, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits you to obtain a list of specific types of your Personal Information disclosed to third-party direct marketers during the preceding calendar year. Along with the types of Personal Information disclosed, you are entitled to the identity of any third-party businesses with whom we have disclosed Personal Information. To receive a copy of this disclosed information, please email us at [email protected] at the address below with the subject line “Request For California Privacy Rights.”

Change or Delete Your Information

You may review, update, correct, or delete your Personal Information in your Account by contacting us or making the appropriate modifications to your Account preferences. You can also make changes in the Application by clicking on Settings and making changes. To unlink a Payment Card, in the Application, go to Settings, tap “Points for Purchase,” tap “Manage Cards,” and follow the steps to unlink a card. If you delete all such information, your account may become deactivated. If you would like us to delete your Account and/or remove your records from our system, please contact us, and we will delete your account within 45 days if we do not have any legal obligation to retain the record.


We employ administrative and electronic measures to safeguard and protect your information from unauthorized access and disclosure. In addition, we periodically review and enhance our security and privacy practices as needed. While we cannot guarantee that data loss, misuse, or alteration will not occur, we use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent this. It is also important for you to guard against unauthorized access to your passwords and the unauthorized use of your computer.

International Data

If you are outside the United States, your information will be stored and maintained on computers outside your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction. Our Privacy Policy and its protection applies to your data. If you are located outside the United States and choose to provide information to us, HighRewards collects Personal Information in the United States and processes it there. Your submission of such information represents your agreement to this collection, storage, and processing.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations governing the collection and use of personal information. From time to time, HighRewards will review its collection, use, and disclosure practices to ensure that we comply with our Privacy Policy and all applicable laws and regulations. If we make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will issue an updated version of this Privacy Policy with an updated date legend and/or notify you via email, the Website, Application, or by other appropriate means before the change becomes effective if it is a significant change. You should review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure you are familiar with any changes to it. If you do not consent to any changes to our Privacy Policy and, as a result, you would like us not to use or hold Personal Information about you under the revised terms, you may notify us here so we can discontinue your account or you may discontinue your use of the HighRewards Program.